
怀孕 > 好听的英文名 > 正文


作者: 晴晴 出处:pcbaby 2013-06-26 09:40




  Alda: rich Amanda: lovable Amanta: loving

  Anthea: lady of flowers April: month(partly of Taurus)

  Bela: God’s earth Bethany: house of figs

  Chloe: blooming, green shoots Colleen: girl

  Coral: from the sea Cottina: crown of wild flowers

  Daisy/Daisie/Dasie: herb/flower of venus

  Danica: morning star Deborah: bee-like, sweet, diligent

  Edith: happy, cheerful Edlyn: rich, gentlewoman Edna: pleasure

  Elvetta: wise home-ruler Erda: earth goddess, worldly

  Evelyn/Eveline: pleasant Ezara: little treasure

  Fae: she who trusts Fidelia: faithful Fidonia: thrifty

  Flora: goddess of flowers Florence: blooming Floris: flower-like

  Gaia: earth goddess Gemma: jewels Georgia/Georgina: farmer

  Hameline: home-lover Harmonia: harmony, unity

  Harriet/Hattie: mistress of the home Haru: spring

  Heidi: diminutive of Adelaide Hestia: goddess of the hearth

  Imelda: moderate Inga: fair Irene: messenger of peace

  Kalma: calm Kuni: country born

  Mae/May: month (partly of Taurus) Mayna: home woman

  Miriam: strong fertile, wished-for child Moira: gentle

  Nerine: sea born (Venus) Nydia: home-maker

  Odette: prosperity Olivia: peace Owissa: bluebird, of spring

  Pacifica: peacefully Patience: calm, endurance

  Petra: rock, reliable Primalia: spring-like

  Primrose: flower (of Venus) Prudence: careful, prudent

  Rebecca: peacemaker, beauty Rhea: earth goddess

  Sapphire: gemstone Serena: calm, serene Shirleen: sweet

  Tansy: herb Tara: hill, earth goddness

  Terrena: earthly pleasure Thalia: to bloom

  Valma/Valmai: May flower Vanessa: butterfly

  Venus: planet ruling Taurus Vesta: Goddess of the hearth

  Zadie: affluent


  Adonis: of manly beauty Alan: concord, rock

  Aymon: ruler of the home Azal: the mountain’s foundation

  Bailey: enclosure Balfour: pasture Barton: farmer

  Beltane: May-day Bentley: from the winding meadow

  Benton: from the meadow Blair: field

  Caspar: treasure Courtney: dweller at the farm

  Cowan: stone mason Craig: rock

  Dale: dweller in the valley Dalton: dweller in the vale

  Darius: wealthy, preserver Denham: from the home in the valley

  Denman: from the valley Desmond: man of the world

  Eberard: hardy, strong Edmund: alternative form of Edward

  Edward: guardian of property Enan: anvil, firm

  Ethan: firmness Ezar: treasure

  Fabian: grower of beans Ferdinand: peace, readiness

  Fidel: faithful Florian: floral beauty

  Garth: enclosure George: farmer Gerius: steadfast

  Glen/Glenn: from the glen Godfrey: peace of god

  Gordon: great hill, spacious fort Gorham: dweller at the mud house

  Gorman: of clay Grasham: dweller on the grassland

  Hadley: landowner Hamlyn: home-lover

  Hamo: home Hanley: of the meadow Hartmen: firm

  Harding/Hardwin: resolute, strong friend

  Hector: holding fast, firm Hedley: upper meadow

  Henley: home-lover Henry: ruler of the home

  Hew/Hugh/Hugo: mindful, thinker Hume: home-lover

  Howard: worker with a hoe, farmer

  Jasper: treasure Jefferson: son of peace

  Jeffrey/Geoffrey: peaceful ruler

  Kelby: from a farm Kendale: chief of the dale

  Landor: country dweller Langley: dweller at the long meadow

  Lea/Lee: sheltered, meadow Leland: from meadows

  Malcolm: devotee of the dove Manfred: man of peace

  Nero: strong, stern

  Ortensio: gardener

  Paine: of the country Parker: keeper of the estate

  Peter: rock, reliable Piers: alternative from of Peter

  Selwyn: prosperous Sholto: sower Silvanus: god of farming

  Sofian: devoted Solomon: peace, wisdom

  Spencer: provider, dispenser of riches

  Stacy: stable, reliable Stewart/Stuart: steward

  Trevor: great homestead, discreet

  Unni: modest

  Wade: meadow Warren: park, keeper

  Wayne: wagon, cartwright Westely: west meadow

  Winston: friend’s farm, stone

  Yardley: dweller in pasture

  Zurial: god is my rock






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