Q 端午节家里人都在吃粽子,孕妇能吃吗? A 孕妇能吃吃粽子。 孕妇能吃粽子的好处:粽子大部分都是用糯米、板栗、猪肉、花生等五谷杂粮和肉食包成的。一般情况下,孕妇吃五谷杂粮和肉食都没什么坏处。作为粽子的主要成分糯米,孕妇吃了好吗?从糯米本身来看,富含维生素B,能温补脾胃、补益中气,是一种温和的滋补品,有补虚、补血、健脾暖胃、止汗等作用。适用于脾胃虚寒所致的恶心、食欲减少、腹泻和气虚引起的汗虚、气短无力、妊娠腹坠胀等症,孕妇吃了是有好处的。? 孕妇吃粽子需注意:粽子中糯米粘度高,难以消化,容易使消化功能差的孕妇肚腹闷胀,有的甚至一吃就“滞”。所以,吃粽子的时候一餐最好不要超过一个,更不要当饭吃,顿顿吃,一般来说吃一个大粽子减一小碗米饭即可。早上起床后和晚上临睡前,最好少吃或不吃。因为这两个时间,胃肠蠕动都较白天慢,吃后容易引起消化吸收障碍。? Q 1转2阶段奶粉的宝宝从端午节拉肚子至今,其中两次高烧. A 幼儿急疹的发病从接触病儿到出现症状约需10天时间,小儿常突然起病,出现高热,多在39℃-41℃。由于骤起高热,小儿可发生高热惊厥;可伴有呕吐、腹泻等症状。然而,患儿的咳嗽、喷嚏、流涕等症状不太明显。此时检查患儿仅仅见到咽部稍充血,耳后或枕部的淋巴结可有轻度肿大,但无压痛。在高热持续3-5天后,孩子的体温往往骤然退到正常。在热退的同时,可见孩于的胸、背、腹部皮肤出现皮疹,皮疹为淡红色斑点或斑丘疹,皮疹多在数小时到3天左右消退,不留色素沉着,也不脱屑。此时孩子的精神、食欲均已恢复正常。“热退出疹”是此病的特征,也是此病的诊断依据。医生也在此时才知道孩子得的是什么病。 Q 有关端午节习俗的英文表达都有哪些? A 这个问题我来给你说下: 端午节 The Duanwu Festival, commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month). More about Dragon Boat Festival 吃粽子 Eating zongzi. Zongzi are pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. This traditional food is popular during the Dragon Boat Festival. More about Zongzi 饮雄黄酒 Drinking realgar wine. Realgar wine is Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar. It is a custom to drink the wine during the Dragon Boat Festival. 赛龙舟 Dragon boat racing. Dragon boat racing is a traditional pastime where crews of 22 seated in long, dragon-shaped boats race lengths of up to 2000m. The Races are an indispensable part of the Dragon Boat Festival and are held all over China. 佩香囊 Wearing a sachet. During Dragon Boat Festival, parents typically dress their children up with a sachet. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk thread. The sachet, which is said to be able to ward off evil, is usually hung around the child's neck or tied to the front of his or her garment as an ornament. 系五彩线 Tying five colored rings. Tying five brightly-colored decorative rings around children's wrists, ankles and necks during the Dragon Boat Festival is said to help the child ward off pests. 驱五毒 "Driving away the five poisonous creatures." During the Dragon Boat Festival, residents make an effort to drive away poisonous pests, including scorpions, vipers, centipedes, house lizards and toads. 可以去看下北京新东方的小学英语课程。课程以培养语言综合运用能力为目标,通过精彩纷呈的歌谣和有趣的小故事呈现授课内容和语言知识点,激发孩子的英语学习兴趣,让孩子在律动中欢快地学习,自然习得语言知识和技能。 Q 请问你们知道下沙百联奥特莱斯端午节活动吗? A Q 端午节打算给丈母娘买点保健品,什么牌子的比较好呢?? A

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