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有关DR. BROWN’S产品的严正声明

作者: PCbaby 出处:pcbaby 2014-06-20 12:04

  DR. BROWN’S品牌起源于美国,根据美国科蕾吉-布朗医生的理念而创立,是全球知名的婴儿和儿童产品品牌。总部位于美国的Handi-Craft公司(以下简称“我司”或“Handi-Craft”)是美国New Vent公司DR. BROWN’S系列商标的全球独占许可使用权人。因此,所有源于我司标有DR. BROWN’S商标的产品都必须符合Handi-Craft的质量控制和安全标准。

  近期,我司注意到一些与我司无任何关联关系的商家在市场上销售标有DR. BROWN’S商标文字或标识的产品。请广大消费者注意,这些商家及其销售的产品,与我司知名的DR. BROWN’S品牌及其产品毫无关联。为防止消费者在选购相关产品时产生混淆,我司在此郑重声明:

  a. 广州市科蕾吉贸易有限公司(以下简称“科蕾吉”)是经我司授权的DR. BROWN’S产品在中国的唯一经销商。如您发现某些标有DR. BROWN’S商标的产品上没有标明经销商是科蕾吉或Handi-Craft的,那么这些产品确非源自我司。对非经由科蕾吉或Handi-Craft销售的、却标有DR. BROWN’S商标的产品,我司无法保证其符合我司的质量和安全标准。请注意我司目前在中国所授权经销的产品主要包括:奶瓶及相关配件、吸奶器、学饮杯、奶嘴、牙胶,以及清洁、消毒和暖奶产品(合称“婴儿产品”)。

  b. 我司近来发现,一些公司销售标有DR. BROWN’S商标或与其近似标识(诸如“布朗”或”Browns”等)的其他产品,其类别包括但不限于:洁肤湿巾痱子粉、爽身粉防晒霜、花露、牙膏、洗发水、沐浴液、护手霜、以及洗涤用品 (护肤及洗涤类产品) 。上述类别的产品不在我司所生产销售产品之列,我司对前述护肤及洗涤类产品的质量及安全性无法置评、不予保证。我司提醒广大消费者,尤其是诸位妈妈,在购买婴幼儿产品时需加以区分、慎重选择。

  c. 若相关机构、当事人等出现误导广大消费者、侵害我司合法权益的行为,我司将保留追究其相关法律责任的权利。




  电话:020 –83309759       邮箱:service@drbrowns.cn

  传真:020 –83309727       网址:www.drbrowns.cn





  Statement Regarding Legitimate DR. BROWN’S Product

  Originating in the USA, the DR. BROWN’S brand is a premier worldwide brand of baby and children’s products based on an idea by Dr. Craig Brown.Handi-Craft Company (“our Company” or “Handi-Craft”), headquartered in the USA, is the exclusive worldwide licensee of the DR. BROWN’S brand and portfolio of trademarks under the name of New Vent Designs, Inc. Therefore, all DR. BROWN’S products distributed by our company must meet our Company’s quality control and safety standards.

  Recently, we noticed that certain unaffiliated companies are selling products bearing the DR. BROWN’S name and/or logo. Be aware that these companies and their products have no affiliation or association with our famousDR. BROWN’S brand or products.To avoid the consumers being misled when purchasing relevant goods,our Company hereby officially states that:

  a. Guangzhou Craig Trading Co. Ltd (“Craig Trading”) is the exclusive distributor of the DR. BROWN’S products in China on behalf of Handi-Craft. Any products bearing the DR. BROWN’S trademark that do not identify the distributor as either Craig Trading or Handi-Craft are not originated from our Company. As such, we cannot guarantee that such products meet Handi-Craft’s quality control and safety standards. The products currently authorized by Handi-Craft for distribution in China primarily include: baby bottles and accessories, breast pumps, drinking cups for baby, pacifiers, teethers, and cleaning, sterilizing and bottle warmer products (collectively “Baby Products”).

  b. We have recently identified various companies distributing one or more of the following categories of products that bear the DR. BROWN’S trademark or other similar names such as “Bu Lang” or “Browns”, including without limitation, wipes for human bodies, prickly-heat powder, talcum powder, sunscreen preparations, eau de toilette, toothpaste, hair lotion, bath lotion, hand cream and cleaning products, etc. (collectively “Skin Protection and Cleaning Products”). The aforementioned products do not fall in category of our company’s product scope, thusour Company makes no representation or endorsement of the quality and/or safety of any such product. Therefore, our Company reminds consumers, especially moms, to be selective and cautious when purchasing baby products.

  c. In case any business or individuals who mislead consumers by infringing on our Company’s legitimate rights and interest,our Company reserves the right to pursue legal action.

  If consumers have any questions regarding this Statement or our Company’s products, please feel free to contact Craig Trading, our Company’s exclusive distributor in China. The contact information is below:

  Guangzhou Craig Trading Co., Ltd.

  Address: 143 Liurong Road, Bailing Commercial Building, 12/F, Guangzhou, China

  Tel: 020 – 83309759        Email: service@drbrowns.cn

  Fax: 020 – 83309727       Website: www.drbrowns.cn

  US Handi-Craft Company

  June 1st, 2014

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