


产品介绍: 由歌曲、童谣和词与动作游戏三部分组成。选择英美流传广泛的经典作品,内容生动活泼、形式多样,既可学习欣赏,也可参与互动。以兴趣为切入点,自然输入英语词汇和句子,唱、听、说、做,轻松快乐学会英语! 产品名称:温迪英语动感童谣(上) 类别数量: 1碟 出版单位: 北京青少年音像出版社 版  号: ISBN 7-88304-159-2内容简介: 原版引进 传世经典唱说做轻松快乐学会英语;乐动的音符 乐动的字母 乐动的语言 乐动的童年. 系列分为上、下两册,G910032上册:英语歌曲、英语童谣G910033下册:词与动作游戏英语歌曲:1.Five little ducks 2.Birthday song3.Old McDonald had a farm 4.Farmer in the dell 5.I’m a little alien6.There’s a hole in my bucket7.What did you do at school today? 8.This old man 9.Here we are at the circus10.Flying in my aeroplane11.I know an old lady who swallowed a fly 12.I like plums13.She’ll be coming round the mountain 英语童谣1.Black sheep2.Three blind mice 3.Jumping game4.Diddle Diddle Dumpling 5.Jack and Jill 6.Pop goes the weasel7.Sing a song of sixpence 8.Hey Diddle Diddle 9.The man in the moon 10.Little Bo Peep11.Mary had a little lamb 12.Lavender’s blue13.Tom, Tom, the Piper’s son 14.The grand old duke of York 15.Simple Simon 16.Yankee Doodle 17.Little miss Muffet 18.Georgie Porgie 19.Humpty Dumpty 20.Ride a cock horse 21.Pat-a-cake 产品参数:   品牌:温迪   参考价格:10元   规格:1VCD