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百立乐:定位高端 构建全方位市场

2014-07-24 09:19 佚名


百立乐:开拓高端市场 3大渠道齐发展

  PCbaby:Customersalwayshave different requirements for the products. what is the tnd developing plans for different consumers?(不同的消费群体对产品的需求也是多样的。请问,贵品牌的产品主要针对哪些消费人群呢?是否会对不同消费人群进行明显不同的市场投入和发展规划呢?)

  百立乐:As the topremium brand of hochdorf group, Natrapure is produced all in Switzeland, from raw milking to packing. So our target consumer is the high-end ones.

  After launching into Chinese market, we have entered more than two hundred high-level super-markets such as OLE, BHG, JUSCO, Shenzhen Park Shop/Taste and Shenzhen rainbow store, hundreds of large distributors and more than ten thousand sales networks. Currently, we are speeding up the distribution of pharmacy channel also.


  PCbaby:In your opinion, what is the most effective and direct way for building a successful reputation in the mother baby industry?(请问您觉得母婴产品建立信誉,最有效最直接的方式是什么呢?能否解释下理由呢?)

  百立乐:Product quality is the most core item for any brand expecting to build good reputation in the hearts of consumers. After the serious suffering of infant formula market in 2008, negative news of some brands are usually published which affects consumers’confidence heavily. Therefore, product quality is what consumers cares most and are most sensitive to.

  Natrapure baby formula is produced by Hochdorf. Hochdorf has more than 100 years baby food manufacturing history, also the first to pass the Global food safety plan and BRC audit. Expect for the quality control by Hochdorf, Natrapure baby formula is also tested by Swiss govt. and third party lab and Chinese govt., the product quality is perfect and our customers are we have confidence.


百立乐:开拓高端市场 3大渠道齐发展

  PCbaby:How do you think for the present mother baby industry in China? And what is your expectation for it?(请问您是如何看待目前母婴用品行业的发展现状?您对这一行业的发展有哪些预期呢?)

  百立乐:Chinese infant formula market has gone through high development and also shockperiods. Nowadays,themarket has entered arelativelystable developing stage. Especially the series policiespublishedby China government recently definately eliminate some substandard enterprises, making the market develop in order and resulting in optimumcompetition, which is beneficial to the enterprises wishing to have a long development in China. The China consuming market ishuge,and especially the second child policy isopenedgradually, which also stimulate the market confidence. The future of infant formula industry is bright, and the development space is enormous.


  PCbaby:Can you share thecharacteristicof the new product in the exhibition?What does the change and renewal of the new product?How is the new function of it?(能否详细分享下参展新品的特点,如推出的新产品做了哪些变化,产品功能如何?)

  百立乐:Natrapurebaby formula is using the best formulation and best manufacturing process worldwide. For example, it takes only 36 hours from collecting raw milk tospray drying, which make the milkmorefresh and nutritious.Also we are usinghigh-quality OPO,andadded active probiotic BB-12 under the condition of“low moisture 2%”,”low oxygen 1%”and“low temperature”, and is therepresentative of thethird generation of infant formula, providing higher quality choice for Chinese babies.


  PCbaby:As far as we know, Hochdorf has passed the strictest regulation of baby industry from“Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China, so do your company have some new developing strategies or plans for Chinesemarketing?(据了解贵厂已经通过了“史上最严奶粉条例”的《乳品在华注册名单》,贵厂今后在中国的发展有什么新的策略和计划吗?)

  百立乐:Yes, I’m glad that Hochdorf Group has past the Chinese strictest infant formula regulation in history and been on the list of infant formula manufacturers getting registered in China, and it also reflecting our overall strength. Since entering China, natrapure has made excellent performance and gotten stable increasecontinually, and the China new policy also provides wider developing space for natrapure. Therefore, Hochdorf decide tointegratethe business of natrapure in China. In May 2014, hochdorf held shareholders conference, and decided to add 450 thousands of shares to finance about 400million RMB forachievingthe rapid development of hochdorf, which providing strong finacial support for integrating the Chinabusinessof natrapure. Natrapure is sure to have a totally new developingopportunityin China.



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