贝丽欧:提升体验 以高品质赢信誉



  Babylino Ms. Leda:Let me first introduce our company. MEGA DISPOSABLES S.A. is one of the biggest manufacturers of disposable personal hygienic products in Europe. Today we are producing a wide range of disposables. Now particularly for Babylino, it is a product produces on the principle of safety for babies, so it’s the product that has been tested by the European international institutions for the safety concern. It has also been tested by Oeko-Tex Standard l00, and it has been granted the certification. And it also has the recommendation of the Association.

  MEGA是欧洲最大的一次性个人卫生用品生产商之一,我们现在生产的一次性产品已涵盖多个范围,包括Babylino纸尿裤。Babylino纸尿裤以安全性为原则,并已通过了多家欧洲国际机构的安全测试。同时,它也通过了Oeko-Tex Standard l00认证。


  Babylino Ms. Leda:Our company conducts research on customer experience and that is why conducts a lot of consumer research to find out exactly the need of consumers. Then we produce the products based of the principle in their needs. Babylino has been designed exactly on the inside of consumers that not only absorbance is important but also avoidance of leakage. So that’s why it is a product that not only offers good absorbance level, but also excellent skin-friendly properties. We have selected most carefully the raw material of the product. We have even taken the most difficult certification of accurate option of substances, so we select substantial in every detail in order to provide a baby diaper which is more than safe for the mothers to use on their babies.


贝丽欧:提升体验 以高品质赢信誉


  Babylino Ms. Leda:Babylino was lanched in 1972 and it was the first disposable diaper in Grace. Before that, mothers used the cotton material diapers, so it was the innovation for that time, because it was a extremely practical product to wear. Now after that, Babylino redesigned several times, each time becoming more and more absorbent and very much welcomed by the parents. And it is now coming to China as well. Babylino has been very successfully in Grace and in other countries. We will export this product and the brand in China.



  Babylino Ms. Leda:We believe that the best way to build up the reputation for a product is to provide excellent quality. This is what we do on all the products we produce, especially for Babylino. This product has excellent quality and this is proven by the users’ experience and that is we find a very good way in the market. Here in China, of course it is a new product for the market with investing a new marketing technique, like advertising. And it will make our product known. But the first thing is that we should have the good product and we provide excellent quality product reputation.



  Babylino Ms. Leda:It is hard to keep the leading position, but not so hard if you have a product with an excellent quality. This makes consumers discover the product and its quality and thereby make the product in leading position. So if you have a good product, everything becomes easy. It is more important to provide an excellent quality because as we say product every time we use them. If a diaper is not absorbent then you have leakage. So what we do is to provide excellent quality and this means all consumers happy with the products.



  Babylino Ms. Leda:First of all, China is a valuable and important market for us. We see that consumers are getting more and more sophisticated and smart everywhere in the world, also in China. There needs involving and changing so our diapers become diverse. We listen to our consumers by doing a lot of consumer research and that is why we often are the first to response to theirs needs. The needs are not only from the China consumers and Greek consumers, but also the consumers around the world. There have been a lot of innovations last year in the baby diaper industry, but one should never overlook the quality and this is the domain of our and this is why we are here to provide Chinese mothers with products more than safe for their babies, so we can call it the second skin of the baby.



  Babylino Ms. Leda:It is the first time we attend CBME exhibition, we would like to make people get to know MEGA, trust MEGA and its concept. We have offered the new concept and the different concept. We are here to make this more known in the China’s market. And the CBME exhibition is the beginning for us.

