Dear Mummy,

  Oh, why did you send me here, Mummy?

  It was so much better at home, Mummy

  You have to do lessons all day, Mummy

  And you hardly get any TV

  Oh, and the other kids hate me, Mummy

  And the teachers don't want me to talk, Mummy

  I've got hours and hours of homework, Mummy

  That I really don't want to do

  Oh, and the food is so awful, Mummy

  I have to eat all of my vegetables, Mummy

  And I only get yucky deserts, Mummy

  And the tuck shop has got a long queue

  Oh, and it's lights out at eight, Mummy

  And I can't have evening hot chocolate, Mummy

  I wrote till my finger had a lump on it, Mummy

  And my pillow's got a lump in it too

  Oh, and the cross country's terrible, Mummy

  I'm not even allowed to walk it, Mummy

  I have to go out when It's rainy, Mummy

  And get freezing cold and wet through

  So why can't I come back home, Mummy?

  The teachers want me to go too, Mummy

  And I'd be a really good girl, Mummy

  At least, for a day or two
