2016年07月22日 00:00
  Kiwy,意大利原装进口儿童座椅品牌,自2015年进入中国。在2016年CBME展会上,推出适合0岁以上、1岁、2岁年龄段的儿童座椅,以及适合一些重量达25公斤以上的小孩,紧密连接汽车ISOFIX的儿童座椅。现在,太平洋亲子网PCbaby有幸采访到Kiwy创始人兼设计师Christian Grande,及Kiwy中国总代理:贝廷(上海)婴童用品有限公司董事长孙文。

  PCbaby: May you please brief Kiwy product lineup shown in this fair? What are your target consumers?


  Christian Grande:Kiwy, since its birth, never stops to develop and produce new products. This year is no different, and Kiwy will introduce a new seat belonging to the 0+/1/2 group, and another new seat conceived for children up to 25 kg of weight and fitted with connectors for the ISOFIX fastenings of the car. All the new products are very homogeneous in terms of style, and their aesthetic character confers a strong identity that is coherent with all the Kiwy’s series. It’s a characterization that expresses an idea of protection and cuddles, thanks to the peculiar use of the textile elements and to the particular shape of the shell.

  Our targeted market is wide and includes all the customers that appreciates these features, so a high level customer in terms of spending power, aesthetic sensibility, love for the Italian style and for the Made in Italy, and that does not accept any sort of compromise when talking about children safety.

  PCbaby:Nowadays Chinese people prefer to buy originally imported product, may you please brief Kiwy product special features, included design, quality, material, commitment, etc? Why Kiwy product can meet China consumers' needs & taste?


  Christian Grande:Clearly any country is characterized by peculiarities and differences that, undoubtedly in the case of Italy, are the unique style and the refinement, among the others.

  So, the Kiwy’s Italian Style, together with its being Made in Italy, are summarized in a sober and refined stylishness, very recognizable throughout the entire series, up to the point of obtaining a common “family feeling”. In more detail, Kiwy’s products are recognizable for their balanced forms and shapes, with a strong continuity empathizing the idea of softness, the latter highlighted by the color choices and by the fabric’s necklines.

  The fabrics and textile elements are chosen for their properties of transpiration and because we think that beauty must be aligned with functionality.

  In my role of designer I’m used to develop luxury projects in several fields, so it’s natural for me to transfers those codes also to the Kiwy’s series. This concept is even more evident with our special series, which even more highlight the products’ features of elegance and state of the art craftsmanship. The latter is one of the elements that bring lots of customers from all over the world to fall in love with Kiwy’s products and for their “Made in Italy”, including the markets traditionally oriented onto “big numbers” like China. Moreover, Kiwy offers a wide range of seats, able to satisfy every customer’s requirement and dedicated to the ones willing to have an exclusive product for their children safety.










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